Baby Development Month by Month: Month 9

Baby Development Month by Month: Month 9

Your baby’s understanding of the world is growing day by day. Here are some of the changes you might see this month. Growing and developing Your baby is likely to be getting more mobile, using whatever method works for him – crawling, bottom shuffling or commando...
Causes of Milk Rash

Causes of Milk Rash

Milk rash or Atopic Dermatitis is shown in the form of red spots on your baby’s cheeks. Because it is called as milk rash,  many people think it is a skin disorder caused by breastfeeding .  In fact , milk rash is not caused by breastfeeding. Milk rash is...
How to care for your baby’s hair and scalp

How to care for your baby’s hair and scalp

Your baby’s hair will change a lot during her first year so you have to make sure you look after it. How to Care for his hair and scalp Both the hair and scalp are sensitive and prone to dryness and breakage. Babies are born with fine and soft hair called Vellus hair....
Tummy Time

Tummy Time

With your baby spending so much time on their back while they sleep, they need some tummy time while they’re awake! Most of your baby’s vital developments occur when they’re on their tummies. Lying on their back is the safest position whilst they sleep, so during the...